
fredag 24 oktober 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 43.

Beard update! Yeah, fuck, I'm still struggling with my beard regrowth. Hopefully the beard on my right cheek will recover soon from the scarlet fever hair loss. So far it's been fourteen months since the scarlet fever. And 43 week since I started my project to try to regrow my beard.

(Background: I had to shave my beard because I lost a lot of it after having scarlet fever in September 2013. I was such a strong infection that my hair follicle died.)

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 43
Length: 0-10 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth

tisdag 29 juli 2014

Shape theory #moustache

Right now I use the shape of my eyebrows as a model for the shape of my moustache.

#moustache #mustasch #mustache #beard #facialhair #skägg #aesthetics #beardtheory #moustachetheory #shapetheory #estetik

onsdag 16 juli 2014

The beginning of a new moustache

The beginning of a new moustache #moustache #mustache #mustasch #facialhair

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 29.

Beard update! I'm still struggling with my beard regrowth. Hopefully the beard on my right cheek will recover soon from the scarlet fever hair loss. So far it's been ten months since the scarlet fever.

(Background: I had to shave my beard because I lost a lot of it after having scarlet fever in September 2013)

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 29
Length: 0-10 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth

måndag 26 maj 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 22.

Ok, I'm still struggling with my beard regrowth, but now it seems like the last part of my beard (on the right cheek) has recovered enough from the scarlet fever hair loss. So far it's been eight months since I started loosing my beard. Give it a couple weeks, and then hopefully I can start over and aim for a master beard!

(Background: I had to shave my beard because I lost a lot of it after having scarlet fever in September 2013)

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 22
Length: 0-8 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth

fredag 18 april 2014

Ulf Liljankoski visar hoppfullt upp sin sparsamma skäggväxt och pratar om "skäggplanen".

Ulf Liljankoski visar hoppfullt upp sin sparsamma skäggväxt och pratar om "skäggplanen".

söndag 13 april 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 15.

Denna eviga väntan på att skägget ska återhämta sig...

My beard hasn't recovered yet... And I ddn't think it was interessting enough to report every week. Five weeks since last update, and now my beard on the way again. But I guess it'll take some more weeks before my beard has fully recoverd from the scarlett fever.

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 15
Length: 0-5 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth #mustasch #moustach

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka. 

lördag 8 mars 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 10.

Denna eviga väntan på att skägget ska återhämta sig...

My beard hasn't recovered yet...

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 10
Length: 0-5 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth #mustasch #moustach

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka. 

lördag 1 mars 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 9.

My beard is getting denser, but I'm still losing beard.

Skägget blir tätare, fler skäggstrån sitter fast, men jag tappar fortfarande en del och väljer att raka med jämna mellanrum.

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 9
Length: 0-5 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth #mustasch #moustach

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka.

fredag 21 februari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 8.

I hade to shave my moustach. I was loosing hair, in it started to look like a hitlermoustasch/Charlie Chaplin-moustach!

Nu började jag tappa skägg kring mustaschen. Tydligen har håret där blivit så gammalt att de döda hårsäckarna faller bort. Det började likna en ofrivillig hitlermustasch /Charlie Chaplin-mustasch, så jag valde att raka.

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 8
Length: 0-5 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

torsdag 13 februari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 7.

Skägget blir allt tätare, men det har ännu inte återhämtat sig. Idag rakade jag mig igen, i väntan på att få tätare skäggväxt. Mustaschen verkar dock ha återhämtat sig till stora delar, så jag sparade den. Går allt som det ska så får skägget växa ikapp mustaschen. Mustaschen växte ändå så långsamt förra gången.

I've just shaved my beard again. But my beard are absolutely getting dense again. Today I left my moustach.
(Background: I had to shave my beard because I lost a lot of it after having scarlet fever in September 2013)

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 7
Length: 0-5 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth #mustasch #moustach

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka.

måndag 3 februari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 6.

I've just shaved my beard again. But it looks like my beard are getting dense again.
(Background: I had to shave my beard because I lost a lot of it after having scarlet fever i September 2013.)

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 6
Length: 1 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka. 

måndag 27 januari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 5.

Skägget växer fort nu, 5-6 mm/vecka. På bilden har det växt under en vecka. Synd bara att alla hårsäckar ännu inte har återhämtat sig. Så det är fortfarande glest och en del skäggstrån trillar fortfarande av.

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 5
Length: 5 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka.

måndag 20 januari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 4.

Unfortunately I had to shave my beard again. A lot of the old dead follicles made my beard fall out (still because I had that scarlett fever in September/October) and my beard looked too thin.
But I'm still working on my beard. I guess it'll take approximately two more months to recover.

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 4
Length: 0-1 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:
or read my beard blog:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth

My beard 2014-01-20

This is how it looked before I shaved my beard again:

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka. 

tisdag 14 januari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 3.

I'm still loosing beard, but I guess it'll soon be over. I've heard that it may take three to four months for hair loss to stop (I got hair loss in October because of scarlett fever). But some spots looks like they have recovered.
Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?

Week 3
Length: 8 mm (approx.)
Follow me at Instagram:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth #beardregrowth

Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka. 

söndag 12 januari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard after hair loss

I got hair loss after having scarlett fever in September 2013, so I had to regrow it.
How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?

I'm writing and photographing it, and you can follow the process on this blog  here:
How long does it take to grow a beard?

These are som pictures how it looks right now. I still lose some of my beard. As you can see I've got more beard under my chin, and that's because it was the first place where I lost my beard, so it had grown out again.
On other places my beard still grows sparsely, but its on it's way back.

torsdag 9 januari 2014

Skägg tillför manlighet, vishet och godhet till utseendet

Tack till Linda för den här fina länken. Här framgår det tydligt hur skägg tillför manlighet, vishet och godhet (manlighet förväxlas, tyvärr, ibland med grymhet ;) ).

Disney-karaktärer med och utan skägg:

måndag 6 januari 2014

How long does it take to grow a beard? Follow me, week by week. Week 2.

Follow my beard rebirth, week by week. How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a damaged beard to recover? And does it recover?
Week 2
Length: 5 mm
Follow me at Instagram:

#skägg #beard #beardrebirth #skäggpånyttfödelse #pånyttfödelse #rebirth

  Hur lång tid tar det att odla ett skägg? Följ mig vecka för vecka.